William Mitchell 15 Years Service

William Mitchell 15 Years Service

Congratulations and thank you to William for 15 years with Carter Ceilings. William started with

Euan Lindsay Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying

Euan Lindsay Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying

Euan joined our team in August 2015 and enrolled at Glasgow Caledonian University to study

15 Years Service for Craig McMullen

15 Years Service for Craig McMullen

Congratulations to Craig for 15 years of loyal service with Carter Ceilings Ltd. Craig started

Congratulations to Chris Mollon on 15 Years Service

Congratulations to Chris Mollon on 15 Years Service

Thanks to Chris Mollon our Site Supervisor for 15 years loyalty and service. Chris started

Congratulations to Euan Lindsay

Congratulations to Euan Lindsay

Massive well done to Euan who has not only passed his 4th year Quantity Surveying

Apprentice Intake for 2019

Apprentice Intake for 2019

We are delighted to welcome our 5 new apprentices who have joined our team this

National Apprenticeship Week 2019 4th March – 8th March

National Apprenticeship Week 2019 4th March – 8th March

This is National Apprenticeship week 2019 when we should celebrate the impact that Apprenticeship have

In House Face Fitting

In House Face Fitting

As the Health and Safety Executive are currently highlighting the need for all operatives that